Dear Friends,
We are grateful for our family, our community and the values that have shaped our lives, all of which are rooted in Judaism. Our connection to Judaism has provided meaning and fulfillment on so many levels. In turn, we feel compelled to give back, to devote time and resources to our Jewish community, as both a gesture of gratitude and in an effort to preserve the local organizations to which we hold dear. This is why we have established a fund at our Jewish Community Foundation, which helps us organize our giving. We view our fund as a philanthropic savings and retirement account, which we can grow over time and make annual allocations to the causes closest to our hearts, including Beth Chaim, Federation and the Foundation. And, we have taken the additional step to participate in the community wide LIFE & LEGACY program, as both legacy donors where future gifts (known as Promises) will grow in perpetuity, and as ambassadors to others in our Jewish community, friends just like you. It has been refreshing for us to learn about the many synagogues and agencies in our Greater Mercer region, and to advocate together for their future preservation. If you envision a thriving Jewish future for our community, we encourage you to consider making a Promise too.
In gratitude, Don and Karen